According to SRI international (2013,I), travel today can be bad for your health. As we all know waiting at the airport, transporting and especially jet lag and poor sleeping, disruption of exercise routines, and excessess in eating, drinking, and sun exposure can leave a traveller more stressed and less well after a trip.
A wellness consumer tries to integrate healthy habits into their travel
Many of us try to seek better ways to take care of ourselves, trying to change our lifestyle and taking responsibility for maintaining a good health. This trend is driving the wellness industry - that includes e.g. complementary and alterntive medice, nutrition and weight-loss, spa, fitness and mind-body activities, beauty and anti-aging, preventive and personalized health, and wellness tourism. (SRI International, 2013, II).The wellness tourism economy means big bucks
Wellness tourism economy is all expenditure made by tourist who seek to improve or maintain their well-being during or as a result of their trip. It can be divided into "international wellness tourism receipts" and "domestic wellness tourism expenditures".The sub-categories are featured below:
The source of this blog post is "Global Spa & Wellness Summit, The Global Wellness Tourism Economy, prepared by SRI International, October 2013" and you can purchace the full report from GSS site (link here).