Tourism is a major industry in Germany, especially in less developed regions. Benefit from tourism next to the hotel and restaurant industry and retailers, services and suppliers of leisure and entertainment facilities.
In Germany, the tourism generated revenue of € 140 billion with 2.8 million employees. 125.3 million visitors (101.5 million out of the country, 23.5 million from abroad) actuated 351.4 million nights (of which 298.5 million by residents and 52.9 million by foreigners) to 54,166 units with about 2 , 6 million beds.
4,000 of the 12,431 communities in Germany are organized in tourist offices, 310 of which are recognized as spas or resorts. Guests are offered including 6,135 museums, 366 theaters, 34 Leisure and adventure parks, tennis courts, 45,000, 648 golf courses, 122 National-/Naturparke or Biosphere Reserves, a trail network of 190,000 km and 40,000 km distance cycle routes available. Further information...